If you really want to make sense of the situation, you might want to step back from the current political context and consider the dynamic.
Polarities are an inherent feature of reality. Positive and negative charge, for instance.
You could go to any society on earth, or in history and there will be those pushing against the social, cultural and civil constraints, while others will be seeking to sustain and enforce them. That is liberal and conservative. The anarchy of desire versus the tyranny of judgement.
We all want the freedom to grow, but the reality is that not every acorn gets to be an oak tree. The way nature operates is trial and error. Try everything and see what works.
So societies do develop methods of selection, from aristocracy to meritocracy. All of which eventually eventually stagnate and calcify, as everyone tries to game the system and it no longer serves the function of a sustainable societial order.
A large part of our problem is that we don't really look at the basic dynamic, so are constantly getting caught up in the same sorts of issues. Such as with both sides seeing themselves as on the One True Path and the others as misbegotten fools.
It goes without saying that what holds society together is respect and responsibility, while fear and greed invariably tear it apart, yet we seem to fall all too easily into that rut.
The fact is that good and bad are not some cosmic duel between the forces of righteousness and evil, but the basic biological binary of beneficial and detrimental. The 1/0 of sentience. What is good for the fox, is bad for the chicken.
All our higher order social, cultural, ethical concepts and constructs, such as respect, responsibility, trust, honor, love empathy, etc. have evolved out from the elemental, along with humanity. So when we treat good as aspirational rather than elemental, conflicts do tend to become a race to the bottom, of us versus them, good versus bad. Rather than each side being able to assume the other will hold to these higher order standards and use such situations as potential to grow further.
The reality is that life is not a zero sum game, but is more like a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. What goes round, tends to come round. Though our narrative culture tends to be more focused on the pot of gold at the end of the narrative arc.
It is safe to say, we will probably have to wait until these emotional infernos burn themselves out and everyone realizes how little they accomplished, that we might move on.