I'm not saying they are objective, I'm saying they are not consciously trying to decieve the people around them, or compel others to accept politically correct beliefs.
I live about 20 miles north of Baltimore City, in the middle of Baltimore County. In some ways it's an extremely wealthy area, with large estates and upper middle class suburbs, but also a lot of rural farming, as well as blue collar labor to keep the wheels turning. Just north, in southern Pennsylvania, there are lots of Amish communities, that are part of the economic network. Pennsylvania Dutch.
The political representation has been Republican since Reagan, before that it tended to be machine Democrats, going back to the aftermath of the Civil War.
The fact is, that I keep trying to point out, we are that dichotomy of energy and form, desire and judgement. Nature pushing out and nurture pushing in. Maybe you are opposed to the forms other people have adopted, but that doesn't get into the underlaying dynamics of how they come to express their point of view on life.
Currently the political situation is becoming extremely polarized, yet just as the basic physical fact of polarization is that it's two sides of the same dynamic, so too is this political polarization a function of both sides seeing themselves as the good and the other as bad, not as sides of a larger dynamic, of social expansion and civil and cultural consolidation. Energy and form.
The reality is that good and bad are not some cosmic duel between right and wrong, but the basic biological binary of beneficial and detrimental. The 1/0 of sentience. Even bacteria operate under that code.
All the higher order social, ethical, emotional consructs, like honor, trust, respect, responsibility, love, empathy, etc, are complex, evolved projections from this basis and so when we assume good to be aspirational rather than elemental, it becomes a race to the bottom, of us versus them, rather then each side assuming the other might hold to higher order evolved standards and hopefully using such opportunties to grow further.
Which is why I started with the cosmic observation, the order of the absolute, versus the transcedence of the infinite.
Conservatism tends toward order, the political extreme of which is cultural and civil tyranny, such as Saudi Arabia.
While the problem of liberalism is that as no function of deciding and selecting can be tolerated, or it becomes conservatism, eventually the only emotion that can control society is fear, so then the sociopaths, like Stalin, end up in charge.
Eventually people have to come to terms with the fact nature is more the yin and yang, than it is the singular, one and only God Almighty.