I'm not sure Trump hasn't served his purpose. Four more years would mean that much more screeching, but if Biden wins, they don't have a boogey man and they will have to explain to various of their constiuencies why they are being ignored and the establishment/banks/military industrial complex keep getting all the goodies.
Then there is the issue of the senate and what would Trump do the next couple of months
Personally I just couldn't get behind Trump and wrote in Assange/Manning. Not to mention various members of my family, especially my daughter, would kill me if I did. Given I'm in Maryland, it doesn't really matter.
It's not like Trump is going to address the deep issues, just bait the establishment.
The fact is that things are getting apocalyptic and Trump isn't going to stop it, just slow it a little, which only delays dealing with these problems and the sooner we do address them the better.
Could be wrong, but I think the possibility of economic breakdown is far greater than an effective takeover by the politically correct.
Then we have the generals coming out of their bunkers to "restore order" and that is a stage that will have to be dealt with anyway.
The real issue is exploring how to deal with the deeper cultural issues of this top down, long shadow of God we live under and develop a more cyclical, feedback based, yin/yang, both top down and bottom up working together culture. That is the sort of thing that can go on under the radar and not threaten the fanatics, untill it reaches critical mass.