I'm still not getting the whole Russia thing, other than the military industrial complex needs a reason to exist and the various Middle Eastern conflicts proved to complicated to point a clear finger at someone.
Yes, the Russian are no angels, but having followed the news for decades, I do remember the fall of the Soviet Union, that there was some hope the various war machines could be dismantled, but in actual fact, our side took full advantage of the situation. While Nato peeled off various of the satellite countries and financed various oligarchs under Yelsin, The effect was to push Russia into a corner, but not break her. So now there is blowback and all our talking heads are saying how evil Russia is. I know propaganda when I see it.
I did vote for Clinton twice and having followed his presidency and post presidency, it seems evident that was when the Democrats finally went over to the dark side.
I bought into the Hope and Change shtick, but after the banks got a trillion dollars, the homeowners got the shaft and no one went to jail, I wised up. Though I did vote for him the second time, as a favor to my daughter. In 16, I voted for Stein.
As a resident of Maryland, I am also quite aware that Deleware is the state DuPont owns and was the original destination for banks and corporations seeking lax regulation. Having seen Biden in action for decades, my impression is that his principles are for sale to the highest bidder.
As for Trump, he is the original Kardasian. That he wound up president says more about the state of the country, then his total lack of class. The democrats could have taken the high road, in 16, admitted they lost to the clown, but that the institution is bigger than any one person and worked around him as best as possible. Instead they tried throwing more mud than Trump and are together destroying the institution. I simply have no respect for either side and refuse to chose among evils.
We have been borrowing against the future since Reagan and it has arrived. The bubble everyone has been living on the surface of, has popped.