I'm sure much of what motivates Trump is the Jewish money, but, big but, we all know how outsourcing the fighting to the religious nut jobs tends to work out.
Trump doesn't seem to have much of a belief system, beyond his own ego, so the Christian right serves as the collective totem for the herd.
Whether it's sacrificing more red heifers, getting those 72 virgins, or the second coming of Jesus, those masses of religious folk need some simple concept they can all wrap their heads around, to shut out any second thoughts.
While Netanyahu and his crew might think it's a great move now, I suspect they will find they have the tiger by the tail.
They will feel they have more free pass to do whatever they want, but when Jesus doesn't just pop down out of the clouds and the Americans start getting blood on their hands, the narrative will start coming unraveled.
Then, at some point, that everything bubble is going to pop and Jesus still hasn't showed up, Donald is going to start realizing he screwed up.
It is all spiraling down that drain and it is only going to pick up speed.
The feedback loops don't have any circuit breakers.