“In my view, conservative ideologies (both secular and religious) are rationalizations of dominance hierarchies”
Exactly. And liberalism is all about that organic social energy bubbling up, giving life to conservative cultural and civil forms.
Yes, it is social darwinism, but how do you get around the fact that nature throws up lots of possibilities and then lets them sort themselves out? It’s what science calls “trial and error.” If you don’t know how the game is played, or refuse to learn, because you don’t like it, then you will end up being one of those sorted out.
This doesn’t favor conservatives over liberals, because in total, it just means the surviving liberals are the next generation of conservatives. Presumably the old order passes on, as the new takes its place, but if the whole next generation is trained to ignore the process, then they don’t grow up. Who trains them, other than a liberal orthodoxy that diverts their attention and efforts away from the issues that really matter?
Which leaves those controlling the civil and cultural constructs to do as they please, because there is nothing to make them come to their senses, so we are stuck with political and economic systems which are quite obviously far beyond their sell by date.
Joe Biden’s claim to fame that he was Hope and Change’s VP. Do you really think he isn’t going to sell us down the river and give the banks everything they want, just like Obama did? With a little social sugar coating of course.
If so, I have a bridge I can sell you.