Is the power of the premise of God explanatory, or is it idealism?
It seems, from my somewhat limited knowledge and understanding, the reason for proposing a god and the evolution/distillation into one god, wasn’t so much to explain life, as to give it focus, necessarily on some perfect state, or ideal. Platonic idealism writ large.
That the original poly and pan-theisms were to analogize and anthropomorphize some essence to any/everything, that makes it what it is. The essence of a bull, for instance, then seeking to acquire and become that essence, to combine it with one’s own essence.
What seems to be overlooked is that essence is elemental, while ideal is perfect form. What is elemental is dynamic, that which drives, motivates. While form is static. The apex of this drive.
Theism as explanatory seems more of an issue that arose with the Enlightenment, as the institutional monotheism of the church proved to be intellectual deadweight. Where God had simply become an analogy for authority.
We can certainly see the power of authority today, to dictate the explanatory narrative, where gaps in the plot line are totally ignored by the powers that be and it is assumed everyone else. Yet sometimes, “Russia Did It!” is as empty as “God Did It!”
When the drive doesn’t adhere to the form, discontinuities arise and resets occur, be it in culture, or civics.