Isn't the distinction between order and chaos a consequence of subjectivity?
Logically everything is an effect of prior cause, so chaos is simply our ignorance of the cause.
Consider time; As these mobile organisms, our consciousness exists as a sequence of perceptions, in order to navigate, as interface between our body and its context.
So our concept of time is as the point of the present, moving past to future. Culture arises out of the collected narratives and physics codifies it as measures of duration, so it runs pretty deep.
The reality is that change turns future to past. Tomorrow becomes yesterday, because the earth turns. Duration is the present, as the events rise and fall.
It's like seeing the sky moving east to west, without understanding it's the earth turning west to east.
There is no dimension of time, because the past is consumed by the present, to inform and drive it. Causality and conservation of energy. Cause becomes effect.
Energy is conserved, because it is the present, creating time, as well as temperature, pressure, color and sound. Time is frequency, events are amplitude.
As present, energy goes past to future, while the patterns generated go future to past. Energy drives the wave, while the fluctuations rise and fall.
Consciousness also goes past to future, while the perceptions, emotions and thoughts giving it form and structure go future to past. Though it's the digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems processing the energy, feeding the flame, while the central nervous system sorts the information, signals from the noise.
So it is the function of our brain to sort the information that is useful to us, from all the other signals out there.
Even our eyesight is only taking in a fraction of the light, thus information from it, or it would be a whiteout.
So the real dichotomy is energy and form. Even galaxies are energy radiating out, as structure coalesces in.