It did seem implied, given the critique of conservatism, without referencing the necessary lack of focus to liberalism. Consequently liberalism, as a singular movement, tends to most clearly define itself by what it opposes, while assuming the alternative is self evident. Unfortunately those on the outside tend to have conflicting desires and when bundled together, devolve to elementary interests, enforced by faceless bureaucracy.
Such as the current cancel culture seeks to enforce a monoculture premised on a desiccated interpretation of multiculturalism.
It's hard to get beyond the dichotomy. The anarchies of desire, versus the tyrannies of judgement.
Our heads seek order, while our hearts seek transcendence.
Even galaxies are energy radiating out, as form coalesces in.
Synchronizing versus harmonizing.
Without the tensions and fluctuations, there is no reality. Without the ups and downs, it's a flatline.