It does seem all our current conflicts are part of a larger learning curve, between our own personal, inherent subjectivity and the integrating, globalizing, homogenizing forces also inherent in cultures comprised of hundreds of millions and billions of people.
Even to the point that subjectivity is being weaponized as its own globalizing force. In that identity politics has become another brand and tribe.
The fact is that subjectivity makes personal biases a foundational aspect of our relating to reality. An objective point of view is an oxymoron.
What we need to recognize, is there is no monolithic model of civilization. It is that dichotomy of the bottom up growth driving it and the top down structures and cultures that emerge, grow, stabilize and eventually decay, as their own growth dynamic.
Without the ups and downs, it's a flatline.
Consciousness goes past to future, as the perceptions giving it form and structure go future to past.