It does seem some serious earthquakes are rattling Western culture and the situation in Gaza is one of them.
I think though, that it does open up an opportunity to think through some of the underlaying dynamics and get beyond the social, cultural and tribal branding, at least to understand what goes on the surface.
It would seem Zionism is the Israel right.
Liberals like to call those on the right fascists, Nazis, Trumpers, etc.
One way to understand the relationship is those on the political right are nationalists, while those on the modern left are more globalists.
The point here is that the same forces are at work in all groups. There is a centripetal dynamic, drawing people into groups. The synchronization of the group, all on the same wavelength.
While there is also the opposite effect, the centrifugal dynamic of the larger network/ecosystem, that works to harmonize the various groups, as they trade energy and resources around.
Nodes and networks, organisms and ecosystems.
While I could extend this analysis in lots of different directions, the point is that an opportunity for a broad and sweeping meta-analysis of how nature and culture interact is being opened up, that would be of far more benefit to future generations, than if we just run back into all those various historical rabbit holes.
What sets people apart from animals is not our emotions, but our ability to reason. If we all go back to beating our chests and throwing stones, we are just retreating back to being animals.
We have to see beyond all the red flags being waved around.