It does seem you are more focused on art as a profession, than the role of art in society.
Academia is divided between the "Arts" and the "Sciences."
Art looks to the ideals, science looks to the elements.
As such, the political cannot be avoided, but the goal should ultimately be to transcend it. To elevate above all the factionalism.
What really needs to be explored is the underlaying dynamics of both the factions and the larger ecosystems in which they rise and fall. The science of the ideal.
The parameters of reality are the absolute and the infinite. Ideals are the points of light in the middle.
The intersections of desire and judgement.
Where the head and the heart meet.
The problem is the tendency, especially in the West, to look at it monolithically, rather than the tension and feedback between the poles.
Imposing God Almighty on a world that is more yin and yang.
The consequence is spiraling into particular rabbit holes, because there is no sense of the circuit breaker to keep the feedback loops from spiraling out of control and burning up all the furniture.
One is the node, oneness is the network. "Entangled particles."
Life is a dance, not a race.
Like a sentence, the end is just punctuation. What matters is how well you tie the rest of the story together.
Right now we live in a world that is quantized, atomized, individualized, monetized, digitized, commodified, materialized, factionalized, politicized.
How do we get beyond the bits and understand the flow?
The essence of the node is synchronization. Everything on the same wavelength.
The essence of the network is harmonization. Everything being traded around.
Resonance being the feedback in the middle.
One possibility is just not to take it as seriously as everyone insists. That's what makes it political.
Satire doesn't always work, unless extremely effective, because it is simply taken as opposition.
Usually waiting patiently, until the wave has crested, then opening up to the larger sea surrounding it, tends to put it in its place.
There are a lot of waves cresting, from monotheism to the financialization of everything. Because they are ideal rabbit holes, feedback loops with no circuit breakers, vortices, but that have sucked their networks, their ecosystems dry.
It is time to tell the West it's just one more node in the network.
It's a small planet.