It is hard to argue with the experts, given the amount of time and effort put into it, but I think some elemental biases have been built into the process.
To truly go against the crowd, I think the math has been fetishized. Remember that epicycles, as a modeling of the cosmos, were truly brilliant math, but the crystalline spheres were lousy physics.
One of my points is that we are making a similar mistake with time. By treating it as the narrative point of the present, moving past to future, codified as measures of duration, they presume to analogize it as one spatial dimension. Yet a tiny bit of objectivity would find that action turns future to past. Potential>actual>residual. Tomorrow becomes yesterday, because the earth turns. Duration is this physical state, as events form and dissolve.
As a physical effect, it is similar to temperature, pressure, color, etc. Think frequencies and amplitudes and how they combine to create more complex effects.
It’s just that as mobile organisms, we experience reality as a sequence of perceptions and build civilizations out of the narrative. So those at the apex of civilization are the most blind to this effect.