It is interesting that racism effectively divides people who would be on the same side of a class conflict.
Bob Dylan did some interesting work, coming up through the folk music business, on how segregation was promoted from the beginning of Reconstruction, in order that blacks and poor whites didn't associate and find common cause.
The problem for the powers that be, is that they've gone all in on financialization as the way to prey on society. The old industrial empires have become just one more resource to loot and sink into debt, consequently putting them on the side of labor, when the score settling starts to take hold.
Their own efficiency at siphoning wealth will come around and hit them from behind.
Consequently the private banking system is isolating itself from the larger organism and will likely go the way of private government, aka monarchy.
Money is a lubricant, not a fuel and our economic theories need review. They've printed themselves into a corner.