It is the organic network sterilized. Consider one of the first things colonizers do, is institute payments in their own currency, as a way to siphon value out of colonized societies.
The problem though, goes much deeper into our physiology. The mind, as thought process, is based on distinctions, differences, quantities, gradations, etc. As such, it ignores the ways everything flows together.
Consider that if you add things together, you have one of something larger. Basically 1+1=1. When you add two sets of one, you have one set of two. Or the ingredients of a cake added equal one cake.
Quantum theory makes much more sense if we think of it as all waves, with particles arising from synchronization and fields arising from harmonization.
Gravity is centripetal, so the excess gravity is likely due to synchronization across the entire radiological spectrum. Basically mass is an effect of gravity, not gravity an property of mass.
Here is another essay, where I point out one of the more basic logical errors in the Big Bang Theory;
The thing is that light "packets" do redshift over distance, as the higher frequencies dissipate faster, but that would mean we are sampling a wave front, not individual photons. Meaning the quantization of light is a function of absorption and measurement, rather than fundamental to light.
Basically math rules, but math is pattern recognition, not the processes generating them. Epicycles were brilliant math, as description, but lousy physics, as explanation.
I know i'm getting carried away here, but the larger point remains that our current political and economic systems are not just due to evil, but more due to ignorance. We are still pretty primitive.
Treating a medium and store as interchangeable is ignorance. Where are the actual philosophers?
It's as bizarre as treating an ideal as an absolute.