It seems the essence of structure is to synchronize, because it is more efficient. Which creates feedback loops, as ever more power creates ever more leverage.
The problem with capitalism is the object of focus has become the financial medium, aka money. Since the broader the focus, the more common the denominator required to tie it together.
So the entire world runs according to the principle of accumulating money.
Unfortunately money functions as a social contract, so not only does this drain much of the economy of the lubrication necessary, but for those siphoning it off, the only way to store the asset side of the ledger is with a debt on the other side. So we have a system that enforces ever more debt on whatever parts of the system can't avoid being squeezed, such as the poor and the public sector, given the banks control the finances required to run for office, in order to sustain the illusion of near infinite wealth among those controlling this medium.
"The real money is in bonds."
The secret sauce of capitalism is public debt backing private wealth.
So yes, it is ignorance, of the basic factors of reality.
We are linear, goal seeking organisms in a cyclical, circular, reciprocal, feedback generated reality.
when we build electrical systems, we install circuit breakers to keep the feedback from building up too much energy and melting the wiring. The same principle applies to society.
The Ancients devised just such circuit breakers, with debt jubilees, to the feedback loop of compounding interest.
Michael Hudson has observed Jesus' original comment was, "Forgive them their debts." as methods of writing them out of most contracts had been established by that time. Then that he was crucified after taking a stick to the moneychangers, it seems that particular revolution was co-opted.
We are now reaching the point the entire Western world is about to implode, due to such basic ignorance. The only question is whether we will learn anything.