It seems to me the problem with AI is the same with any algorithm based process(shut up and calculate), is that it can't, "think outside the box." Therefore the issue of GIGO quickly manifests. The only difference being that with AI, it becomes exponential.
Given how much our current culture is based on bullshitting each other, having it go exponential will break the mold at some point.
My only experience with AI was a friend a couple months ago, who was exploring it, asked me if I had any questions I wanted to ask.
Given one of my pet peeves is how our current cosmological model totally trashes the essential premise of General Relativity, by trying to say space can expand, but ignoring that would require the speed of light to increase, in order to remain CONSTANT, I offered that basic question; How can intergalactic space expand, but the speed of intergalactic light remain stable? Doesn't that mean there are two metrics being derived from the same light, one based on the speed and one based on the spectrum? Which is the denominator and which is the numerator?
Safe to say, all it came up with was bunch of gobbledygook and even tried to argue light speed is not a denominator, after describing it as a unit of measure. Safe to say, I was not impressed.
So a bunch of college students will cheat on their papers, yet it doesn't seem higher education is anymore about enlightenment, than our military industrial complex is about national defence.
Let them blow it all up.