It used to be that when observation didn't match prediction, the underlaying theory was potentially falsified, but in cosmology it can only be patched.
What if your accountant could just write in a figure and call it dark money, whenever he found a gap in the books?
If intergalactic space does expand, why doesn't the speed of the light crossing it increase proportionally, in order to remain constant?
Given any description of this expanding universe uses light speed as the metric to measure this expansion, just what is the speed of light measuring, if not space?
It's like, well our theory works great, if 1+2=7 and since it is such a beautiful theory otherwise, 1+2 must equal 7.
There is one way light does redshift over distance alone, as multi spectrum packets. Given the higher frequencies dissipate faster.
Yet that would mean we are sampling a wave front, not detecting individual single spectrum photons traveling billions of lightyears, so the quantification of light would be an artifact of its detection and measurement, not fundamental to the light itself......