It would seem that before proposing the ought, we need a far better understanding of the is, than is currently assumed.
One of the primary issues I have, with this current paradigm, is the concept of time. Which naturally underlays any concept of process.
As these mobile organisms, it follows that our experience as a sequence of perceptions is necessary to our need to navigate. So this flow of time, from past to future, has to be considered in context with the process of change turning future to past. Tomorrow becomes yesterday, because the earth turns.
There is no literal dimension of time, because the past is consumed by the present, to inform and drive it. Causality and conservation of energy. Cause becomes effect.
So basically energy is conserved, because it is the present. Consequently the energy goes past to future, while the patterns generated go future to past.
In terms of a wave, the energy drives it, passing through, while the fluctuations rise and fall, settling back to equilibrium.
As consciousness goes past to future, while thoughts and emotions go future to past.
One manifesting and motivating, the other defining and directing. Motor and steering. Then feedback between the two.
As these biological organisms, we have the digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems processing the energy driving us on, while the central nervous system perceives and sorts the information precipitating out.
So we are this dichotomy of the anarchies of desire, versus the tyrannies of judgement, as this present is a process of determining how all the input creates the output. The energies creating the information.
On a basic level, the political expression is of liberalism being the organic social energies driving the community, while the cultural and civil forms emerge to give it structure and definition. Though there are innumerable feedback loops creating all sorts of admixtures.
As these individuals, we have a central nervous system both responding to outside input, but also refereeing all the various impluses and desires, which is reflected in the civil construct of government.
As religion is the more defined expression of the cultural models society uses to explain and justify its actions, much as the individual uses their own learned beliefs to inform their actions.
While the economy is like the body of society, as all the varied efforts, inputs, appetites, impulses and desires wrestle for the attention of the focused consciousness and preference over the others. We want our cake and eat it too. Constantly creating form and order, only to then see the need to transcend these forms and move onto the next. Like time itself.
The question then becomes as to where current models are most corrupted and in need of examination. What is the scab that is peeling away from the underlaying flesh?
For instance, government was once effectively private, as feudalism and monarchy. Now the circulation mechanism of banking and money, as analogous to blood and the artieries, is having its own, "Let them eat cake." moment. Logically then a move to public banking will be one of the more concrete advancements of our current age.
Though there are a number of other issues.
Consider that democracy and republicanism evolved in pantheistic cultures, as the Ancients didn't really see a distinction between cutlure and civics, so that was their interpretation of multiculturalism, as primal tribal cultures mixed and developed early cosmopolitanism. They were not ignorant of monotheism, but equated it with monocultural authoritarianism. As in one people, one ruler, one god.
The Romans adopted Christianity as the empire became fully established and any remnants of republicanism were shed. Though it retained a pantheistic connection, with the Trinity.
When the West went back to these more populist forms of government, it resulted in a separation of church and state, culture and civics.
The logical fallacy of monotheism is that a spiritual absolute would necessarily be the essence of sentience, from which we rise, not an ideal of wisdom and judgement, from which we fell. The fact we are aware, than the details of which we are aware.
This top down father figure lawgiver is an effective political tool, to indoctrinate an ever regenerating popuation with respect for authority and the power structure, but assuming the ideal, which is aspirational, is synonymous with the absolute, which is elemental, is logically incoherent and politically volatile, since it assumes ones ideals to be universal, rather than unique and so only a monoclture can effectively function, but given that it has no mediating relations, devolves into fundamentalism. As the core societies of the various monotheistic models show. Wearing black is a big thing.
Nodes and networks. Organisms and ecosystems.
The fact is that good and bad are not some cosmic conflict between the forces of righteousness and evil, but the basic biological binary of beneficial and detrimental, so when good is seen as aspirational, rather than elemental, conflicts do tend to become a race to the bottom, of us versus them, as all nuance and subjectivity is suspect.
I could go on, but this is my own sense of how deep the problems really go.
More yin and yang, than God Almighty.