It's been covered in the NYTimes that Netanyahu purposely directed money to Hamas, from the Qataris, to undercut the PA and any discussion of a two state solution. Given the Qataris are a monarchy and monarchies tend not to like radicals and are trying to play the role of moderator, it seems that had Netanyahu told them to give the money to the PA, that's where it would have gone.
Yes, Hamas are the radicals. They could not have been the government in Gaza, without that money.
It's a pretty basic tactic to feed the radicals in order to validate a police state.
So why isn't Netanyahu being held responsible for funding Hamas? He is logically far more responsible for Oct 7th, than those kids in Gaza.
As I see it, the real problem is Eastern Europe. That's where the pogroms and persecutions that gave rise to Zionism as radical Judaism occurred. It's where Nazism finds its most fertile soil. It seems to be where many of the neocons driving American foreign policy into the forever wars came from.
After the Zionists created Israel at the point of a gun, the Jews across the Middle East and Northern Africa were driven out in retaliation, so it doesn't seem the problem is with Judaism per se, but that version steeped in Eastern European culture, where hating one's neighbors seems an age old tradition.