It's said the Eastern and Native American view of time is the past is in front of us and the future behind, because we know the past and see what is in front, while we don't know the future, or what is behind us.
Which does more physically ground us in this reality, as we do see events after they occur, then the energy transitions to other events.
In the West our assumption is of the future in front of us and the past behind, because we think of ourselves as individuals, distinct objects, moving through our world, rather than a part of it.
The irony of individualism is it creates an atomized society, where we are left depending on those large institutional structures, government, banks, corporations, to connect us to each other and the world that sustains us, rather than organically being part of it and our community.
Think of life as like a sentence. The end is just punctuation. What matters is how well you tie the rest of the story together.