There is an essential dichotomy running through these various aspects of human experience and that is between energy and form. Energy expands out, as form coalesces in. Galaxies are energy radiating out, while form coalesces in. Our bodies have the gut and heart processing and circulating the energy propelling us on, while the central nervous system perceives, sorts and judges the forms precipitating out, further coalescing them.
We really can’t shed those forms, if we don’t understand their power, or we become like children rebelling against out parents, but with no real idea, beyond rejecting the particular forms and rules they are asserting.
For example, money is not just a mutual belief, but a social contract, between the individual and the community. As such it makes a very useful medium to circulate, in order for the community to function, but because we think of it as a commodity, we try saving and storing it. Requiring ever more contractual obligations by the community to be created and ever more corrosive ways for individuals to store what they have extracted. Resulting in this enormous financial bubble that has become the tail wagging the dog of society.
An essay I wrote on that point;
A healthy society has to recognize that tension and balance between energy and form, the heart and the head, desire and judgement. It is a cycle of expansion and consolidation, like the seasons.
Occasionally though, we can’t just keep patching the old and do need a serious reset. But that requires understanding what needs to be done, not just the desire to do it.