You ever be out on a clear day and see these dark spots floating around?
I grew up around horses and learned from an early age to just let my mind relax and feel the world around me.
The problem for people is that we all are and have a clock in our minds, basically the left brain, just as the right brain is a thermostat. So we exist as a particular frequency and when others match our frequency, we bond with them. The trick is to relax that spatial awareness enough to sense others space and what frequencies they are operating at. Other animals and plants operate at very different rates, often very slowly, though some much faster. Of course, there are limits on the amount of such channeling that’s possible.
The vision thing is that our awareness functions like a bubble, which is also quite directed, so when you really tune yourself down, you start to sense other’s bubbles by the way it affects light, like lensing. If you are driving a car, the people coming the other way will be quite situationally aware, especially of what’s in front of them and there is a range of effects, from those dark spots of attention, that are most obvious. Then when you really start to read the environment, you sense what directions and details they are focusing on. After a few decades of habitually doing this, it’s lots of psychic clouds and your subconscious senses become quite tuned to them, leaving the executive function to sort through the information being gathered and not get in the way, too much.
That’s my version of extremely sensory perception.