Keep in mind Complexity Theory. That we exist in that state between order and chaos, where the feedback loops are most dynamic.
Galaxies are energy radiating out, as structure coalesces in. Our little blue dot is in the middle.
As for time, which direction do you see it going?
As mobile organisms, this sentient interface our body has with its situation functions as a sequence of perceptions, in order to navigate, so our sense of time is the present going past to future. Which is the basis of culture and civilization, as narrative and history.
Yet the evident fact is that activity and the resulting change turns future to past. Tomorrow becomes yesterday, because the earth turns. Potential, actual, residual.
There is no dimension of time, because the past is consumed by the present, to inform and drive it. Causality and conservation of energy. Cause becomes effect.
The energy is conserved, because it manifests this presence, creating time, temperature, pressure, color and sound, as frequencies and amplitudes, rates and degrees.
So the energy goes past to future, because the patterns generated come and go, future to past.
Energy drives the wave, the fluctuations rise and fall. No tiny strings necessary.
Consciousness also goes past to future, while the perceptions, emotions and thoughts giving it form and structure go future to past. Suggesting consciousness manifests as energy.
As the digestive system processes the energy, feeding the flame, while the nervous system sorts the patterns, signals from the noise, with the circulation system as feedback in the middle, there is an intellectual tendency to focus on the information as primary, rather than emergent from the dynamics.
The problem with too much order is the tendency to be centripetal. Ever more noise is shed, until we find the perfect signal, but then find ourselves spiraling down rabbit holes, echo chambers, black holes, obsessive compulsive behavior, as we discover any map or model is just an abstraction and cannot include all the information from the territory, or it goes whiteout. The signal is buried in the noise.
The feedback loops need circuit breakers.
The models can only be nodes in larger networks.
Synchronization versus harmonization.
Anarchies of desire, versus tyrannies of judgement.