Keep in mind that it is our basic need to navigate that is the reason our experience of reality is as a sequence of perceptions. What we think of as this flow of time.
Also the function of navigation requires us to constantly make decisions, as to what direction to take. Which makes this tendency to judge as foundational as the sequence of perception. We are constantly seeking signal in the noise. Therefore the assumption reality is either order, or chaos. Signal, or noise.
So we expend every effort to distill ever more signals from the noise, whether it is physical theories, or civil laws and regulations, or monetary value, or cultural distinctions and social status.
Yet looking at this relationship between energy and form, the more we try to impose form/order to the chaos, the more the energy seeps around the edges, the theories go in circles, the laws break society, the abstracted value extracted as signal from the noise of the larger economy destroys the system giving value to this currency, the cultures fight over ever smaller differences, the people we looked down on won't support our edifices. Actions begat reactions.
So the secret is to only judge when necessary and observe otherwise.
The more we loosen our grasp, the greater our reach. Our perception expands, when we are not constantly forcing it to fit preconceptions. Wide eyed wonder, like the children we are.
Galaxies are energy radiating out, as form coalesces in. We fluctuate inbetween.