Late stage capitalism is turning out to be a global Ebola virus.
Though before any effective ought can be constructed, we need to much better understand the is.
Much of Western culture is based on political manipulation. Consider that logically a spiritual absolute would be the essence of sentience, from which we rise, not an ideal of wisdom and judgement, from which we fell. The light shining through the film, than the images on it.
Treating ideals as absolutes enables the crazies.
Democracy and republicanism originated in pantheistic cultures, as they analogized multiculturalism. Rome adopted and co-opted Christianity for the monotheistic aspect, as a state religion, when the Empire needed validation and the Republic had to be forgotten.
Consider that reality is a dichotomy of energy and structure. Look at galaxies; Energy radiating out, as structure coalesces in.
We have the digestive, respiratory and circulatory systems processing the energy driving us on, while the central nervous system sorts through the information precipitating out.
Societies develop executive and regulatory functions, government, as a form of nervous system. Along with forms of money and finance to enable the effective transfer and flow of value around the community. Analogous to blood and the circulation system.
As these evolved out of personal efforts, they began as private enterprise.
Eventually humanity came to accept that government has to be a form of public utility.
The problem this created is that since politicians are subject to election cycles, the power shifted over to the banks. Enabling them to gain ever more control and shift from simply serving an accounting function, to actively siphon as much value out of society.
Leaving government as little more than an enabler, guaranteeing the value of the money and providing enough public debt to support the currency.
Since government is supposed to serve as the brain, the effect is essentially appetite run amok.
The anarchies of desire, versus the tyrannies of judgement.
The only real threat to the banks is their own greed, as they cook their golden goose. They are having their, "Let them eat cake." moment.