Logically a spiritual absolute would be the essence of sentience, from which we rise, not an ideal of wisdom and judgement, from which we fell. More the light shining through the film, than the images on it.
Ideals are not absolute and assuming them to be creates a naturally conflicted culture. Many of the ideologies to sprout up in the shadow of monotheism have claimed their ideals to be absolute. In fact, pretty much all of them. Which ever accepted other perspectives as valid?
The usefulness of the top down monastic belief is that it is top down. The Big Guy rules. You wait til you're dead, to get your reward. Divine right of kings.
Reality tends to be more dualistic. From positive and negative charge, to liberals and conservatives.
The anarchies of desire, versus the tyrannies of judgement. The heart and the head. Motor and steering.
Even galaxies are energy radiating out, as structure coalesces in.