Lol. Sorry about that. Safe to say, I would qualify as a doomer, if I took what is happening to much of the world seriously. It is just that having realized it is all going to blow up by a fairly young age, I've tried looking under the surface and understand what is driving it all.
Keep in mind just how mortal we all are, yet life keeps picking itself up and doing the same dumb things again and again and after awhile it does sink in and we grow a little.
I do think there are some fairly basic conceptual issues that need to be examined. As I put it, we really haven't internalized the implications of the earth being round, not flat. We are linear, goal oriented creatures in a cyclical, circular, reciprocal, feedback generated reality.
One factor of which is that we do get caught up in those big feedback loops, like putting the microphone up to the speaker and wonder why the shriek goes parabolic. The Ancients devised debt jubilees 3000 years ago, as a circuit breaker to compound interest sucking the larger society dry and here we are, in our supposedly modern world, stuck in the same doom loop.
So yes, a lot of people are being screwed over and those at the top are a bunch of amoral cretins. Yet they are cooking their own golden goose.
When you step back far enough, it might seem cold, but it is also very clarifying.
After awhile you also realize life is one larger organism, slowly evolving and humanity is some nascent nervous system, still in its gestation.