Looking at it from the outside, it seems the real problem is that 2000 years without a state has created that very cultural echo chamber you reference, without a civil state to ground it. Too many shamans and not enough chieftains.
It seems the Zionists are out to re-litigate the problem the Zealots had with the Romans. That their god didn't bow to any other gods.
What if the Angles and the Saxons had messianic cores, that didn't allow them to iron out their differences? Where would European civilization be today?
Now Israel has seriously reaching the microphone up to the speaker stage and the shriek is going parabolic. The biggest threat to Israel are the Zionists.
Remember Plan A is the red heifers and Plan B is the Samson option.
Time to actually start looking outside the box. The messiah is not coming.
Making the trials and tribulations of a Bronze Age tribe the touchstone of the culture might be socially cohesive, but don't burn all your bridges over it.
There are angels and assholes in all creeds, cultures and colors and when the assholes are in charge and leading the way, things are definitely going the wrong direction. Look who is leading Israel.
Welcome to reality.