My own, presumably unbiased, view, is the primary flaw in human logic is our concept of time.
As mobile organisms, this sentient interface our body has with its situation functions as a sequence of perceptions, in order to navigate, so our experience of time is the present going past to future.
It is the basis of culture and civilization, as narrative and history. While the structures of our knowledge are a cumulative effect.
Yet the evident reality is that activity and the resulting change turns future to past. Tomorrow becomes yesterday, because the earth turns.
There is no dimension of time, because the past is consumed by the present, to inform and drive it. Causality and conservation of energy. Cause BECOMES effect. Otherwise it is just correlation.
Energy is conserved, because it manifests this presence, creating time, temperature, pressure, color and sound, as frequencies and amplitudes, rates and degrees.
Ideal gas laws correlate volume with temperature and pressure, but we don't confuse them with space, even though they are as foundational to our emotions and bodily functions as sequence is to thought.
Different clocks can run at different rates simply because they are separate actions. Think metabolism.
As for the process of accumulating knowledge and thinking it through, the signals our minds pick out of the noise are what resonates and synchronizes with our prior knowledge, building on it, like rings of a tree.
Yet the grain of sand at the center of that pearl goes back to our earliest childhood memories, when we were most emotional and least informed.
So those feedback loops between our nodes of structured knowledge and the networks of information in which they exist need to be pretty active, to keep us connected to the larger reality.
Yet there is often a strong impulse to override that feedback and swirl ever further down the rabbit holes.
Where this is most obvious is not so much with individuals, as those who do simply vanish from the larger conversation, but as social movements, where cultures condense into cults.
Given religions function as the childhood memories of cultures, there are various such examples, but they tend to be too hot to touch.
One could also use this dynamic to help explain current economics, as wealth and power leverages ever more wealth and power, in a feedback loop bringing down the larger society. Yet that is also a topic days and books could be expended on.
So I will strike very close to home.
If intergalactic space expands, why doesn't the speed of the light crossing it increase proportionally, in order to remain Constant???
As it is, two metrics are being derived from the speed and spectrum of the same light and the speed, in any description of this dynamic, is still being used as the denominator.
Presumably since the Inflation stage, the universe has expanded from some 22 million lightyears to 48 billion lightyears, but it has only taken the light 13.8 billion years to cross this space. What is calibrating the speed of light, if it is not the space?
Which goes to the fact that once theory becomes doctrine, it cannot be falsified, only patched.
What if your accountant could just write in a figure and call it "Dark Money," whenever he found a gap in the books?
It would seem that beyond a certain point, more people are not so much a knowledge multiplier, but a habit multiplier.