You really go off in the weeds on this one.
First off, what is government?
As the executive and regulatory function of society, it is analogous the central nervous system. As such, it has to fit the passions of the body to the circumstances. Decisions have to be made.
Now consider the United States has only been around for a couple hundred years and those years have seen the most economic growth, by orders of magnitude, in the history of humanity. The consequence is that our nation and its culture really haven't had the sorts of trials other, older countries have been formed by. The more economic constraints squeeze society, the harder the decisions become.
Forty years ago, this country had a choice between Jimmy Carter, famously saying to put on a sweater, versus Ronald Reagan, effectively saying, lets put it on the credit card and keep partying. In the words of his eventual vice president, voodoo economics.
So the party continued, as the bills piled up. Dick Cheney observed that Reagan proved debt doesn't matter. Though to anyone ever maxing out the card, it doesn't matter, until it does.
Then we end up with a bankruptcy skating con artist in charge, like it was some campy shlock movie, instead of the usual b grade, feel good melodrama we are used to and the audience has a meltdown.
Now Trump has not only been pushed off stage, but promoted from common clown to arch villian and banned from acting out foolishly in public.
So now we can get back to the business of printing money out the wazoo and showering it on those with the largest buckets.
Does anyone see a problem here?
Believe it or not, but our enlightened thought leaders are not the ones who will be writing the history books and likely they will be viewed as blind fools, if not actively corrupt.
Maybe you should ask your friend Marcus, what he knows about economics.