The United States is 250 years old. We have been King of the World for about 80 years. Before that, we were the dumping ground for everyone's excess populations.
As a nation, not just an ethnicity, China goes back thousands of years. Iran is equally old. Russia has roots and networks among its various elements and ethnicities that go back as far.
We are playing an half assed game of checkers and their 8 year olds play better chess than our elites.
The big difference is that we play a zero sum game. We win, everyone else either loses, or stands far enough back not to rile our insecurities.
The Asian nations have a much better understanding of reciprocity and win/win. They understand they help others and it creates positive benefits all the way around. That when they antagonize others, it might provide some benefits, but generates long term animosities. And when you have been there for like forever, you know those don't go away as fast as the benefits. The light radiates further than the gravity attracts.
It's all feedback.
They have been there, done that and got the teeshirt many times over.
We are in the process of learning some of those life lessons the hard way.
As for Israel, it has that 2000 year gap in its history. The first time, it was a monarchy. The Big Guy Rules. Sort of like the religion. Now they are a tribal democracy. Democracy originated in a pantheistic culture. The splits that were evident before Oct 7th, between the centripetal elements and the centrifugal elements, are far deeper than anyone seems able to understand. They are only going to be that much worse when the dust settles and the rest of Asia, if not the world, sees them as some Western thorn.
And the West can't keep footing the bill.