Michael Hudson wrote an interesting book recently, called, Foregive Them Their Debts.
One of the points he laid out is how the financial oligarchs conflicted with the political rulers, as the rulers had to keep the whole society healthy, while the oligarchs used compound interest to drain all the value out. Thus the origin of debt jubilees.
The problem is that money, as a medium of exchange, enables markets, but functions as a public utility, like roads.
Though we have come to see it as property. A commodity we mine from the economy, rather than the social contract enabling it. The medium became the message.
Since markets need it to circulate, while people try taking it out, ever more has to be added and ever more metastatic methods of storing it have to be devised.
So it goes from being a tool to being a god and the entire society devolves into the production of notational value, to the detriment of everything else.
That's a cyclops.