Thank you for the response and patience with my sense of frustration.
To put this in a nutshell; Einstein said; “Space is what you measure with a ruler.”
There are two rulers being derived from the same light.
The theory of universal expansion is the light is redshifted because it goes at a (relatively) constant rate against an expanding background, as expressed by the redshifted spectrum of this very same light.
If the background is the ruler/space, than what is the speed of light measuring?
If I take a ruler and stretch it, the marks on the ruler increase as well, but if I take a rubber band and stretch it alongside a ruler, than it takes more marks to measure the length of the band. That is what is being described here, yet it is argued the rubber band is the ruler and the other ruler, well, it’s just there…
If this was politics, I’d just shut up and walk away, but this is supposed to be science!