I'm reminded of the parable of the frog in boiling water. They should be more careful how quickly they turn the heat up and that doesn't seem to be the case.
I supposed you've read about Glen Greenwald resigning from the Intercept today, over this very issue.
I think we are seeing various threads coming together, from the dawn of the internet and the building consequences of the tidal wave of information we currently live in, leading to many people spiraling into their various rabbit holes of selective perception, to late stage capitalism, where the future we've been borrowing against is arriving, while need to sustain and maintain an economy of debt remains, to back the mountains of financial instruments everyone presumes to store their lives in.
I suspect we will find this enforced and increasingly shallow conformity to be extremely unstable.
One thing to keep in mind is that serious change isn't possible, when the status quo is relatively stable, so the potential for real change is arriving. I'm sure many think it will be an opportunity to advance preferred agendas, so the real long term consequences won't be apparent, until the storm passes through, separating what is solid, from what isn't.
Ask Philip K. Dick put it; "Reality is what doesn't go away, when you stop believing in it."
It would probably be a good career move on Trump's part, to lose, leaving the resistance with nothing to bind them together. The last four years have created a mind set that will seriously miss the Donald, as the scapegoat par excellence.