Think what money is. Basically an iou from the rest of the community. We need to start from there and build the concept back up. Originally it functioned as an accounting device, as communities grew too large to organically keep track of the various favors and promises we had with each other. The organic, social and economic network in which we exist as nodes.
Now we have this idea of money as some chest of wealth that will pave our future. I could dig down into that, my point about time as an effect of change turning future to past, not the sequence of perception we need as mobile organisms, but to keep it simple, since i’m off to work, we need to rebuild that sense of the organic whole. The thermodynamic feedback loops building structure and form up and tearing it back down again. How the basic reciprocity of getting what we give, respect and responsibility going hand in hand. How our world is a commons and we need to treat it as such.
One idea I’ve been mulling lately, that goes to how mobs form, is that organisms need to synchronize their clocks, while ecosystems harmonize theirs, as all the voices find their places in the melody, not everyone having to sing at the same tone. If we have a better cultural understanding and eduction of the basic dynamics, we would grow around obstacles, not having to break ourselves over them.
As it is, our little goal oriented minds, seeking signals in the noise, focus on the notes and shiny objects. The tool became a god.
Read an interesting comment on bitcoin, that it is loosing its function as a medium of exchange, since everyone want to save it and that’s creating a bubble…..
Off to work…