As was said of Watergate, "The coverup was worse than the crime."
What I think this creates, is a really good opportunity to really examine the nature of reality and how we do process it.
As mobile organisms with a sequential process of perception and a narrative based culture, we are naturally linear and goal oriented, while nature is cyclical, reciprocal and feedback generated, so how might this dichotomy create the situation we find ourselves in?
Societies function as singular entities by having a collective narrative, as a sense of everyone going in the same direction. Which is, no matter how large, only one node in the ever larger network.
This is what government and politics is about, coming together in some joint mission. When there are opportunities for all, it works quite well, but as the process matures and increasingly harder decisions have to be made, those with the most power naturally seek to benefit themselves and their close networks. Yet this increasingly builds a gap between those on the inside and those on the outside. Which goes through many cycles of expansion and consolidation, such as nation states becoming empires, in order to gather more resources and expand the number of those on the inside. Industrialization and the production lining of mass society, to information technology, to create ever more complex and larger social organisms.
Though eventually this goes parabolic and the open predation by the insiders on the outsiders becomes harder to conceal. The wolves in sheeps clothing start to become obvious.
Which is a cycle in itself, as those at the top turn inward for their appetites.
Yet the entrenched powers that be cannot turn this process back, as they have too many insiders to support, who increasingly have no other vision of reality beyond climbing the greasy pole of power and cannot and eventually don't even care to hide the inherent sociopathy. Until even those at the very top are only concerned with protecting themselves against their closest enemies. Like Biden and his cronies will seek to prevent Harris and her cohort from taking over.
Or the stock market losing any sense of economic functionality and only surfing the wave of money printing.
It all spirals into ever tighter feedback loops, like an addict needing ever higher doses for a decreasing high and destroyed body.
So it becomes an enormous bubble and will eventually pop. Even if it takes an entire collapse of civilization, nuclear war, even greater escapes of lap viruses.
Can anything be done about it?
Well, nature is cyclical and while our efforts to find the pot of gold at the end of the narrative arc only lead us off those very high cliffs we have constructed, we need to develop a more reality based paradigm. To understand that without the ups and down, it would be a flatline anyway, so we need to learn to ride the waves and live within this world, not think we can climb to the top of it.
Given this goes to the dawn of Western civilization, such as with the absolute ideal of the Almighty God, when nature is more the yin and yang, of nodes and networks, people and society, desire and judgement, absolute and infinite, etc, it is a large undertaking.
I've sort of been trying to seed various aspects of this around medium and trying to get a conversation started and there are some glimmers of recognition starting to happen, hopefully not entirely of my imagination. Potentially working on a book with another writer, but in no hurry, as this bubble is still in its parabolic stage, so it's a matter of timing.
In crisis, there is opportunity and this is a large crisis, potentially an equally large opportunity, to really examine the nature of reality and not just push the current scab of power crazy fools out of the way.
The bull is power. The matador is art.
Hopefully humanity is more toward the end of the beginning, than the beginning of the end.