My sense is that time is a term for change and that as we are mobile, intentional organisms, we like to change things, so time is foundational to our thought process.
Temperature and pressure are every bit as important to our physical existence, both also effects and relationships caused by activity, yet we can be more objective about them, because they are not as foundational to this sequence of perceptions by which we sense our environment.
As for space, three dimensions really are the xyz coordinate system and are a mapping device, not the foundation of space. Ask yourself, are longitude, latitude and altitude foundational to the biosphere of this planet, or a mapping device?
If we take all physical properties away from space, it has the non-physical qualities of equilibrium and infinity. Infinity because there is nothing to bound it and equilibrium is implicit in Relativity, as the frame with the fastest clock and longest ruler is closest to the equilibrium of the vacuum. The absolute zero of the unmoving void.
So space is the absolute and the infinite.
What fills space are energy and the forms it manifests. Going opposite directions of time, as I argued previoously.
Energy radiates toward infinity, while form coalesces toward equilibrium. Both entropic, but conceptual and physical opposites.
I realize I'm probably covering too many bases here, but I think it's safe to say that theoretical physics has started to wander off into the land of unicorns and epicycles, with everything from string theory to multiverses, so I just try figuring out what makes sense to me.
So it's galaxies as cosmic convection cycles, of energy radiating out, as form coalesces in.