My sense of the basic flaw in both Western spiritual and materialist approaches, is trying to frame reality as monolithic, when a dualistic view is more effective.
The dialectic of the absolute is the infinite.
One is the node, oneness is the network.
Without the ups and owns, it's a flatline.
For example, it seems there are centripetal and centrifugal effects manifesting in everything from humans and their societies, to galaxies.
Liberal, conservative. Young, old. The anarchies of desire versus the tyrannies of judgement.
Galaxies are energy radiating out, as structure coalesces in.
Currently one of the main issues vexing modern physics is "Dark Matter." That there seems to be far more of that centripetal, aka, gravitational effect, then mass to explain it. So what if the properties we, as tactile organisms, view as mass/matter, are an intermediate effect of this centripetal dynamic of structure, working against the energy propelling it?
Gravity as resonance.
The music is more real than the matter.
Think how much the current liberal versus conservative debates are tearing apart our societies. If it were up to the conservatives, it seems we would be spiraling into that vortex in the center, while if it's up to the liberals, society would just go Tower of Babel and scatter to the winds.
Sometimes we focus, when those goals, meanings, desires have an obvious locus and sometimes we just need to chill and get it flow.
Life is a dance, not a race.