Nature and nurture.
Nodes and networks.
Organisms and ecosystems.
One is the node, oneness is the network.
The problem with some "true self," is still trying to apply a monistic paradigm to an inherently dualistic reality.
Even theoretical physics is obsessed with the quanta, the particle, originally the atom, then can't quite wrap its mind around the entanglement of these particles.
The essence of the node, the one, is synchronization, while the essence of the network is harmonization. Waves rising and falling across infinity.
We seek ourselves is what resonates with our prior senses, then bond to those on similar wavelengths.
The effect is that spiraling together as one. Yet that ultimately coalesces as an energy that will eventually crest, frequencies and amplitudes. Then recede, as other nodes and needs pull on it. Entropy.
Without the ups and downs, it's a flatline.