
No. Originally it was rebirth. The son born in the spring, of the sky god and earth mother, Uranus and Rhea, Cronos and Gaia, then Zeus, but it became "set in stone," as Dionysus didn't quite break through tradition, so the Christian sect evolved around the story of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus as a form of rebellion against the Olympians.

Then Rome adopted it as a state religion, in order to validate the Empire, as monotheistic. Remember democracy and republicanism originated in pantheistic cultures. Multiculturalism.

So Jesus's message was changed from, "Forgive them their debts," to "Forgive them their sins."

(It was all, "turn the other cheek," except when it came to the moneychangers.)

So the revolution was co-opted and Catholic guilt tripping began its long and fruitful career. Even the origin of theTrinity had to be obscured.



John Brodix Merryman Jr.
John Brodix Merryman Jr.

Written by John Brodix Merryman Jr.

Having an affair with life. It's complicated.

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