Not to try to draw further condescension, but the point about the music is there doesn't seem to be any tiny little thing at the foundations, first it was the atom, then the quantum, then the string. It seems just the light and the waves it expresses. The light radiates out, as form coalesces in. Presumably black holes are some mysterious void, but it would seem they are basically a vortex, like the eye of a storm.
Such that most structure breaks down and is radiated out, before reaching the edge. While anything actually falling in, is radiated out the poles as quasars. Which would seem to be a giant laser and as Mead mentions in that interview, lasers are synchronized light waves.
So synchronization is a centripetal dynamic and one of the other mysteries in cosmology is "dark matter." In that there is far more gravitational dynamic, then mass to explain it, assuming gravity is a property of mass. Yet the one real quality of gravity is that it is centripetal.
So what if it's the other way around? That the properties associated with mass are simply intermediate effects of the complex feedback between energy/light radiating out and structure coalescing in?