One aspect of punctuated equilibrium is the equilibrium stage is not static, but filling every possible niche and using every possible resource, which naturally selects for complexity and sepcialization. The punctuation then is a reset. Not so much back to a clean slate, but to the point stability starts to set in.
Which means house cleaning.
There are lots of paradigms we have taken for granted. We have been going forth and multiplying for hundreds of thousands of years and are now reaching the edge of the global petri dish, so this linear, goal oriented, pot of gold at the end of the narrative arc model will have to give way to a more cyclical, reciprocal, feedback driven understanding.
More yin and yang, than God Almighty.
Like understanding money is a social contract, holding a community together, not a commodity to mine from the community. The bankers are certainly having their, "let them eat cake." moment.
That a spiritual absolute would be the essence of sentience, from which we rise, not an ideal of wisdom and judgement, from which we fell. The fact we are aware, than the many details of which we are aware.
The reason we can't have a live and let live world is because we conflate the ideal, which is aspirational, with the absolute, which is elemental. So the Other becomes an affront to one's own True God.
There is lots of other clutter, but that would be a good start.