One of my habits on medium is to flip through writers essays, to see how much effort they put into responding, before putting some degree of effort into commenting. I find that you do not seem to respond to comments. Which is certainly ironic, given the premise of this essay. So I will keep this short;
What if the real problem is the object oriented focus of Western thought, from individuals to atoms, when reality is a function of the feedback between nodes and networks, organisms and ecosystems, individuals and societies?
One is the node, oneness is the network.
Would "entangled particles" be such a mystery, if modern physics had originated from a more Eastern perspective?
My sense is much of current physical theory has become more of a religion than science, in that it can only be patched, not falsified.
For instance, if intergalactic space expands, why doesn't the speed of the light crossing it increase proportionally, in order to remain Constant?
Instead, two metrics are derived from the speed and spectrum of the same light. Given it is an expanding space and not tired light theory, the speed is still the denominator.
What if your accountant could just write in a figure and call it "dark money," whenever he found a gap in the books?
One way light does redshift over distance, is as multi spectrum packets, as the higher frequencies dissipate faster. Yet that would mean we are sampling a wave front and that quantification of light is a function of its absorption. A loading, or threshold theory.