One way to peel away the complexities is to look at the underlaying dynamics.
We exist in this thermodynamic environment, the biosphere of this planet and the basic physics and biology is more of a determinant, when it comes to millions and billions of people, than politics and culture.
Consider how the relationships of nodes and networks play out across all these interactions, from individuals and communities, to global organizations operating as organisms in the world ecosystem.
The most basic expression of this dynamic are galaxies, as the constituent energy radiates out, while the generated structures and patterns coalesce in.
As biological organisms, we have the gut processing the energy driving us on, while the nervous system sorts through the patterns generated, signals from the noise.
It might be politics all the way down, but it's economics all the way up. Energy and structure. One expanding, the other coalescing. Thermodynamics.
We function somewhere in the middle, where the feedback loops are most complex, yet if those feedback loops don't have effective circuit breakers, they spiral out of control. Microphone up to the speaker and the shriek goes parabolic.
Here is some of how it applies to current Western biases and assumptions, which are getting seriously strained;