Our problem with time is that as mobile organisms, this sentient interface our body has with its situation functions as a sequence of perceptions, in order to navigate, so our concept of time is the present moving past to future. It's the basis of culture and civilization, as narrative and history. As our gathering of knowledge is a consequence of this process, it defines our reality.
Yet the actual reality is that activity and the resulting change turns future to past. Tomorrow becomes yesterday, because the earth turns.
There is no dimension of time, because the past is consumed by the present, to inform and drive it. Causality and conservation of energy. Cause becomes effect.
It's like a tapestry being woven of strands pulled from what was woven.
Different clocks can run at different rates simply because they are separate actions. Think metabolism.
That culture is about synchronizing society as a larger organism, based on the same languages, rules, measures, it might seem there should be that universal Newtonian flow of time, but it's rabbit time and turtle time and the turtle is still plodding along, long after the rabbit has died.
When we are all on that same wavelength, it becomes a race, since it seems getting ahead means to go a little faster than everyone else.
Though this leaves much of the psychic space empty, as the goals become ever more focused and laser like.
As efficiency is to do more with less, peak efficiency will be when we can do everything with nothing.
Basically just trade credits and debts, aka, derivatives.
Yet it is a dance, not a race. Balance all those various vortices trying to drag us in and learn the lessons they might have to teach, without being overpowered by them.
The people running armies are called generals. Specialist is one rank above private. When it's all just the specialists talking past each other, it's a Tower of Babel.
Life is like a sentence. The end is just punctuation. What matters, is how well you tie the rest of the story together.
It's like we haven't really internalized the implications of the world being round, not flat.