Part of the problem is it tends to follow some pretty well worn paths.
Consider the premise of time, as the point of the present, moving past to future. The reality is that change turns future to past. Tomorrow becomes yesterday, because the earth turns.
It is that our monkey brains, actually faunal brains, process our experience as a sequence of perceptions, which we are constantly sorting and judging, as a function of navigation. Plants don't intentionally move, so they don't need this ability.
Then we tell stories to one another and build civilizations out of the collected knowledge, so the narrative flow is pretty fundamental to who we are.
It's a bit like trying to explain the sun and stars rising in the east and setting in the west, before appreciating it's the earth turning the other direction.
There is no "dimension" of time, because the past is consumed by the present, to inform and drive it. Causality and conservation of energy. Cause becomes effect.
So time is an effect, like temperature, pressure, color, sound, etc. Frequencies and amplitudes.
The energy, as process, being ever present, goes past to future, while the patterns generated go future to past. As consciousness goes past to future, while thoughts go future to past.
Making consciousness similar to energy, while thought is an effect.
Or take the assumption of good and bad as some cosmic duel between the forces of righteousness and evil, when they are the basic biological binary of beneficial and detrimental. The 1/0 of life. Even bacteria sense that.
It's just that as societies need some general sense of what to do and not to do, it is treated as aspirational, rather than elemental. The problem though, is that all the higher order evolved traits, such as love, trust, honor, responsibility, respect etc, are like complex programs emerging from this binary. Not only are there many shades of grey between black and white, but all the colors of the spectrum are between light and dark.
So that when we see them as ultimate, conflicts become a race to the bottom, of us versus them, rather than each side being able to expect the other to hold to higher standards and possibly use such obstacles for further growth.
So it's not as though it's impossible to see beyond our current mindsets, but it would require a fairly significant reset and clearing out a lot of cultural cobwebs. Though this is likely to be generational. "Change happens one funeral at a time."
We will have to reprogram how society functions and the current mess is an opportunity.