Part of the problem is that our culture historically and religiously views good and bad as some cosmic conflict between the forces of righteousness and evil, when they are the basic biological binary of beneficial and detrimental. Essentially the 1/0 of life. Even bacteria can sense attraction/repulsion.
So it’s from this elemental dichotomy that the higher order emotions and social constructs emerge, like respect, responsibility, trust, honor, love, empathy, sympathy, etc. emerge. Along with the negatives, like envy, jealousy, etc.
Consequently when conflicts do occur, it tends to become a race to the bottom of us versus them, good versus bad, black versus white. Rather than each side holding and expecting the other to hold to the higher standards of civilized behavior, intellectual complexity and emotional maturity, so that complicated and nuanced issues can be fully explored.
Given that the future is often as much a reaction to the past, as a continuation of it, there will likely be a public reaction to the extremes of political correctness currently being pushed to the limits today and those who might genuinely benefit will lose some ground, as the pendulum swings back the other way.
Diversity not only means there is a multiplicity of views, but that when any view attempts to dominate, it tends to create an equal and opposite reaction, among all those not included.