Possibly keeping your balance would be a better term than surrender.
What drives life is not so much the objects of our desire, as the fact of our desire. What is this banquet hall, without an appetite?
The spiritual absolute would necessarily be the essence of sentience, from which we rise, than an ideal of wisdom and knowledge, from which we fell. More the light shining through the film, than the images on it.
Yet we are a feedback between this energy bubbling up and consuming, versus the myriad forms it manifests. Fire and form. Consciousness and thought.
We are propelled by our heart and gut, but steered by our mind. It’s not so much a matter of surrendering to our desires, as they are profuse, but learning which to encourage, which to tolerate, which to quell and which to actively avoid. The desire to murder a particular co-worker competes with the desire to remain in good graces with the establishment. Short term has to be balanced against longer term.
Good and bad are not some cosmic dual between the forces of righteousness and evil, but the basic biological binary of beneficial and detrimental. We evolved upward and there will always be that tension between those elements seeking to grow and those seeking stable forms, be it youth and age, or liberals and conservatives. Not every acorn gets to be an oak tree, but without acorns, there are no oak trees.
The problem is that we live in this linear, goal and object oriented culture, so both sides see themselves on the road to nirvana and the others as misbegotten fools, not as sides of a larger cycle.
We fluctuate somewhere between the absolute and the infinite. Energy radiating out, as form coalesces in. Think galaxies.