Really getting into the weeds there.
The simple minded idea I find most useful in understanding society and economics is Stephen Jay Gould's Punctuated Equilibrium, with the caveat that the equilibrium stage evolves by utilizing all potential resources and filling every possible niche. Which further builds on itself by feeding back onto older structures and cannibalizing them to feed the current systems, consequently hollowing out their own foundations.
The overall effect is to select for increasing specialization and complexity, in increasingly delicate relationships that will then become unstable, collapsing back to some more basic equilibrium, ie, punctuated, to be utilized by whatever entities are adapted to that level.
So there is no over all strategy to beat the system. You can only have some general sense of where you might be in the cycle and plan accordingly.
There is that overall yin and yang of nodes and networks, so to the extent you wish to remain fairly healthy, learn to feed your excess gains back into your network, not just attempt to hoard them, as that just makes you a resource, to be mined by someone not of your network, or even someone thinking you are a threat to their network.
Even though the current religious fixation is to be the one sitting on the biggest pile of whatever. Nature is cyclical, while people are goal oriented.
We fluctuate between the absolute and the infinite. Everything cancelling out and everything fading out.
Driven by the anarchies of desire and ruled by the tyrannies of judgement.